Measure the air quality of your work environment

Instant alarms

Touch screen

Wifi and/or RJ45 connectivity

Display and dynamic exploration of measurements

Instant alarms

Touch screen

Wifi and/or RJ45 connectivity

Display and dynamic exploration of measurements


Intelligent and autonomous

Sub’roca has designed Sensor’box, a unique instrument for the measurement, analysis and dynamic display of gas, dust and fine particle levels. This equipment has been specially designed for work in tunnels and underground mines.

Sensor’box, autonomous and/or connected operation, without subscription or commitment

electronic card
electronic card

Advanced and mastered technology

Our engineers and developers have collaborated with leading universities to design state-of-the-art electronic equipment.
From the motherboard to the software, everything is mastered in-house by Subroca’s teams. This is the guarantee of a unique, efficient service that adapts to your most ambitious needs.

Many parameters for a versatile equipment

Our analyzers are capable of measuring up to 14 gases, 2 fine particle sizes, all simultaneously and in addition to pressure, temperature and humidity parameters.
It can also optionally measure air velocities and flows in ventilation ducts or galleries, or be connected to any sensor on the market with a 4-20 mA output.
Sensorbox is also equipped with 6 relays that can be used in 24Vdc or dry contact to drive other equipment.

sensorbox air quality monitoring system

Real-time automatic alerts and reports

Sensor’box allows you to program thresholds that instantly trigger an audible and visual alert.
Connected to a computer network, our system also informs the management in the form of an automatic report by email.
This report can also be sent periodically (day, week, month) by SMS or email and thus be archived in the regulatory records.


No subscription and no constraints

Follow in real time the data displayed on the touch screen of Sensor’box or on any remote screen.
Sensor’box behaves like a computer when connected to a computer network. By connecting to its IP address from a browser, you can control and explore all settings of the Sensor’box without the need for a subscription.
If your equipment is not connected to a network, Sensor’box is autonomous and you can control and explore all settings from there.

graphic sensorbox

Integrated dynamic graph generator

Sensor’box offers daily, monthly and yearly graphs that allow you to zoom in and identify characteristic variations in parameters.
They can then be exported to a USB stick in PDF, JPEG or CSV for integration in your own reports.

temporary ventilation subroca

Regulates and optimizes temporary ventilation

Connected to your ventilation system, Sensor’box measures the flow rate of your site ventilation and adapts it according to the gas and dust content measured in real time.
Your fans work in an optimized way: you save energy.

temporary ventilation subroca

Where to use Sensor'box ? Sensor'box can be used in tunnelling, mining and shaft sinking facilities, as well as in tunnels for the installation of railway or road equipment.


As close as possible to the work area, to know the exposure of the operators in the area and alert them in case of danger.

grand paris express project

At regular intervals all along the tunnel or at different levels of a station or an annex: to map and detect a dangerous situation upstream of the work area and to give early warning to the operators present.

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Outside the chutes, pits, crushers, or as close as possible to the area where the pollution is created to measure its impact.


As close as possible to the work area, to know the exposure of the operators in the area and alert them in case of danger.

grand paris express project

At regular intervals all along the tunnel or at different levels of a station or an annex: to map and detect a dangerous situation upstream of the work area and to give early warning to the operators present.

mine-shaft-2252206_640 (1)

Outside the chutes, pits, crushers, or as close as possible to the area where the pollution is created to measure its impact.

Large underground spaces to monitor?

Subroca offers to connect your Sensor’box measuring devices with relay analyzers in order to optimize the monitoring of large underground sites. The SENSOR’BOX Lite system is particularly suitable for sites with long underground networks in order to control the costs of air quality monitoring.


Alerts by SMS

In order to facilitate and simplify the analysis and management of the data, the Sensor’box and Sensor’box Lite systems allow the sending of SMS in order to be informed of the contents and alerted in case of anomaly.


Quality requirements


12 months warranty on our equipment.

Tested and approved

We perform calibrations and tests on all our measuring devices before delivery.

plug & play

Ready-to-use products for greater responsiveness and simplicity.

sensorbox test


Pack 1 EN
formation subroca

Training in the use of
of the equipment

delivery all around the world

International delivery

refuge chamber made in france

Made in France

after sales service

After sales service

formation subroca

Training in the use of
of the equipment

delivery all around the world

International delivery

refuge chamber made in france

Made in France

after sales service

After sales service