Services associated with emergency shelters
As with many complex industrial machines, rescue shelters require specific services to ensure their proper functioning in the event of a disaster. In this article we will present the main services that should necessarily be associated with rescue shelters.
Installation and commissioning
The hazards frequently encountered in underground environments, such as fires, explosions and the release of smoke and other toxic gases, require a high level of safety planning. Emergency shelters, also known as survival cabins or emergency chambers, are facilities designed to increase the chances of survival of personnel in the event of an underground disaster. They provide a safe area where personnel can regroup while awaiting extraction.
The safety of personnel necessarily requires a certain level of expertise in the use of shelters, which is why it is always advisable to wait for the manufacturer’s visit before installing and commissioning the emergency shelter. Indeed, if it is to be compliant, it must respect a very precise installation and verification process established by the manufacturer. In addition, our PILOT’ASSIST technology, which is integrated into our shelters, allows our team of engineers to carry out remote commissioning.
Service and maintenance
Our teams are deployed in France and abroad to help you facilitate your interviews. Our after-sales service is available to answer your questions and provide solutions to your problems. In the field, our team of engineers is available to come to your site to carry out a complete maintenance of the shelter. Our PILOT’ASSIST technology not only allows automated operation and real-time monitoring, but also makes predictive maintenance possible.
Customer support
An international and operational customer support system should be in place to deal with any failures of the emergency shelter.
This customer support may include
– 24/7 service
– Technical support
– Upgrades
– Annual audits
With an international presence, SUB’ROCA has flexible and responsive teams that can intervene quickly, providing you with project support and a customised solution.
The development of a good safety culture depends above all on the transmission of good practice and information on the use of safety equipment. It is well known that improved safety procedures lead to a reduction in major incidents in underground environments.
As the handling of emergency shelters is very specific and rigorous, it is also useful to train underground professionals in their use. This practical approach in a real emergency shelter allows participants to experience the operation of emergency shelters, for better decision making and resource management.
The training, through the various simulations, will provide a realistic hands-on experience, raising awareness of the potential psychological and physical impacts of being in an emergency shelter. It will also provide an understanding of the context of the underground environment and prepare them for an emergency.

SUB’ROCA‘s engineers are at your disposal to intervene rapidly and ensure commissioning and maintenance on your customised design projects. Furthermore, SUB’ROCA offers to train your teams to use our emergency shelters.